Have you ever wonder what Black Soap is?  And do you know the benefits and how amazing it is? In this article, you will know what it is and how the true authentic Black Soap is made.

Today, you can find more than hundreds of different kind of African Black soap in the market. Recently, the term “African Black Soap” is being used by a few to make some money. In West Africa, the Black soap is known in different names. However, its most frequently used name is Ose Dudu (doudoun), which originated from the Yoruba or Anago languages of Nigeria, Benin and Togo. Ose Dudu actually means Soap (ose) Black (dudu). Literally, black soap has various colors, from light brown to a deep black. The colors depend on the recipe and how it is made. Even though they have different uses and particular applications, Black Soap is considered one of the best and healthiest soaps.

Essential oils are used to make African black soap. These include coconut oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa butter, palm oil and shea butter. The variation and different oil combinations cause different colors of black soaps. Additionally, the potash which is used to create African black soap is usually made from the ashes of several plant sources. These include cocoa pods, plantain leaves, shea tree bark, as well as the by-products of shea butter production. Most of all, genuine African black soap is made with hand-made potash. This is produced in smaller amounts and not produced or processed in factories which use commercial potash and refined oils.

This is how we make our African black soap. Following the traditional method, we made it with hand-made potash in small batches. We use 45% unrefined shea butter and the rest is virgin palm kernel oil. The potash used comes from ashes of plantain leaves, shea butter residues and bark from a local tree called Agow. The bark is taken in a way that doesn’t damage the tree.

There are also counterfeit African Black soaps that are being sold in the United States, Europe, or Asia. One thing to know if the soap is genuine is to look at the ingredients and make sure that they don’t use cheap oils or fats. There are also some cases where charcoal or black dyes are added. But, the dark color of original black soap is acquired by extensive way of saponification. In other factories and large industrial companies, they do not use the traditional saponification method but uses black coloring agents instead to get the dark color.

Alaffia black soap is original and authentic. We make the soap in our Sokodé center in Togo using traditional methods and recipes. We take pride in offering this true raw product, and consider it a prime example of the beauty of traditional knowledge.

Alaffia black soap is original and authentic. We produce the soap in our Sokodé center in Togo using traditional methods and recipes. We take pride in offering this true raw product, and consider it a prime example of the beauty of traditional knowledge.